Monday 6 April 2009

Quizas, quizas, quizas

Perhaps I needed a bit of holidays to love my blog again and look forward to writing to it. Sometimes I feel good about my texts, now I don't necessarily do, but I do enjoy the urge to write that I feel.

I saw Watchmen the other day, and I was so disappointed. It was so mediocre because it was painfully literal, there were no layers whatsoever, no hidden meanings, nothing. The ultimate 'what you see is what you get': a bunch of "deeply flawed" superheroes and their views on how the world should be saved (or not). There were a lot of clever details, tongue in cheek sex-scenes between tormented superheroes who can only get it on if they're wearing their costumes, but in general the whole thing was such a disappointment. I love futuristic, dystopian movies or books (I'm reading 'handmaid's tale' now and I am really enjoying it-will write about it soon) but watchmen was just infuriatingly plain and uninspiring.

And then last night I saw 'changeling' which was again painfully mediocre. Clint kicks ass, that's true, he's a good director and all, but the story was so fragmented, going from a woman's personal drama, to a story about how corrupt LAPD was, to a female version of 'one flew over cuckoo's nest' (hence the casting of Jolie-cf. oscar for girl, interrupted) to a whodunit, finally to a movie about the rise of the serial-killers in America. The connection between all these subplots was so loose, so accidental, relying too much on Jolie and her beautiful face (actually just her enormous, red lips) that it made me fall asleep. Take-home message for directors everywhere: when you're making a movie, choose ONE story, and perhaps you'll do well. Ah, and if you want your viewers to sympathize with your heroine, who is a tormented mother, don't choose the most overexposed woman on the planet: she evokes no sympathetic sentiments to anyone.

This brings us to the 'perhaps' in the title: mediocre movies are so painful. It's better if they suck, at least this makes them interesting. Ah, the pain to sit through mediocrity, never again...


Youkali said...

I'm glad you wrote this post as it will save me some time. I was planning to see Watchmen and Changeling and now I don't think I will.
Because I'm a fan of horror, I often experience this disappointment you speak of. Horror is an awful genre in the sense that more often than not, movies will be crap and only ocasionally do you get a really good one (usually an oldie). It really upsets me. And I fully agree, it's better if a movie truly sucks, at least you can get genuinely upset and swear at it.

d/a said...

My dear Lady V,
lady of the two extremes, lady of love and lady of vengeance, lady of the white skin and the black clothes..
that's why I like your point of view! great post, I liked it, although I haven't seen Watchmen yet.