Thursday 2 April 2009

The music

TV sucks. I know I've been watching too much of it and I constantly write about it. I know I love 'friends' and quote them all the time ('love me, define me' still works...) and I love House (or at least I used to before I got a bit too tired of it) and all other crap that I watch in the evenings to unwind.

But today I had the TV closed, and had the music on for a while and things just seemed different. Maybe it's also because I had Greek music on, something that I don't usually do. The day was beautiful, sunny, perhaps the first proper good day of spring, the windows were open, the music was on and I was making a tomato sauce from all the left-over tomatoes in the fridge that I didn't want to throw away. And then it hit me, TV sucks, it only stops you from thinking, clouding emotions like panadol clouds the pain of migraine. And then it hit me again, aren't we supposed to know this, about TV? I mean we know it sucks, but we watch it. Even clever people like me (!) watch it and hate to close it. What does this mean, is it because we're insecure and lonely?

I would sit here and write about this, but I have to go and watch the rest of 'friends'.

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