Tuesday 30 June 2009

What to say

Sometimes happiness is so overwhelming that you don't know what to say.
I never wanted to write a personal blog, I never wanted to just recite what is going on in my life, but sometimes, just sometimes one cannot avoid that. But then perhaps subtlety is a good thing, perhaps one does not need to scream things or to tell them explicitly. Perhaps it suffices to say that you are happy and you don't need to say why.

It's been a tough year, it's been a fucking tough year and now it is becoming this dream come true, it's becoming this out of this world experience that I cannot believe.

I've never believed in fate, I've never believed in this weird force that drives one's life. The Ancient Greeks did though and perhaps they were right. When I first moved to Belfast, on February 2007, I hated it. I hated my life, I hated everything. Part of the reason was because I always felt temporary here, I could never plan my life here, I had no long term plans. But now things are different. Now I can plan ahead and not start my sentences with 'if'. No more conditional sentences and hypothetical scenaria. I can now be a normal adult and plan ahead. My first plan is to go on holiday and the rest will just come naturally.

Bring it on!

1 comment:

Hello Kitty said...

I'm sooooo happy for you!