Wednesday 8 July 2009


Just a quick post from the heat to note the surrealism of Greek summer: as I was driving to come to the internet café of my village (which is enough of a surreal thing to do) I heard Nirvana on the radio. Nirvana? Who plays them anymore? Greek stations, it seems. Brought back excellent memories of a past life, teenage angst, first cigarettes and immature fifteen year old boyfriends. Memories of a life that is long gone, a life that could be mine, could also be someone else's.

Have a good summer y'all and listen to Nirvana again. It's good for the soul. Especially in the Greek heat, driving, with the windows rolled down.


mike said...

Yeah, but all the flies go into the car and lay eggs.

Anonymous said...

Kyrios Kounellos (aka Andras Plousios) has been in touch. He will be flying through London in August with Kyria Kounellou. He misses us desparately and says he still feels the same love for us although it has been ages. He is trying to get in touch with you. Send me your relevant contacts (most recent email, telephone no etc). I can forward it on to him. You know who I am; I used to go on running dates with Mr Kounellos in the endless fields of Cambridge...

Much love

(you can class this under surreal too - but do respon when you have the time - or when you are back in the village's net cafe).