Wednesday 4 June 2008

The modernization of China

My friend MS sent this to me and it is great. As he says, it gets better by the second.

I know I have better things to write about (the first gay marriages in Greece amidst chaos from the conservative, family-preserving right wing idiots) but I couldn't resist posting this. On the topic of gay marriages in Greece, the Ellinofreneia guys said the best thing ever:
Η Μύκονος πέθανε, ζήτω η Τήλος!!!

1 comment:

Youkali said...

Man! Gays can get married in Greece?!?!?!?!
My Portuguese mind, who has found comfort in the fact that the Greeks are supposed to be the only ones in Europe that are 'less advanced' than we are, has now suffered a severe blow. Why are you progressing so fast?! Give us a minute, will you?
Anyway, that is great. I hope my country gets there one day. It's nice to know that your homeland is trying to do something nice and civilized, despite the uproar and the complaints.
Lady V, you should write about that because although I find it a great piece of news, others may disagree and your tolerant mind can perhaps find a way to write about both points of view.I can't because I'm not Greek and tolerance is not my forte.