Friday 27 June 2008

The British summer

Summer in Britain, the seventh in a row for me. Rain again but what can one do? Euro helps, but it will be over soon (good luck Spain!). Other than that, laziness is all around, the streets are flooded with tourists that never seize to annoy me. They seem to be following me anywhere I go and they are many, loud and aesthetically unpleasing. I wonder sometimes, is this the way other people perceive me when I travel somewhere? I guess not since I am not a French or Italian teenager with a loud voice that moves as part of a procession of 300 of other loud French or Italian teenagers. People will surely have something to say about my loudness but I don't care.

Summer for me is sea and heat. It is tanned skin, sweat and water-melons. It is sand and books full of it, in the beach amidst sleepiness and laziness. It is beautiful afternoons, with a bit of a breeze and the promise of a cool evening. I love the Greek summers so much, it is the only time of year that I am truly homesick. So what am I doing here then, what am I doing here, in the rain and grayness?


d/a said...

I would seriously read the last paragraph again and book my ticket for tomorrow morning...

Lady V said...

Maybe I will do just that d/a :) if not, August is not that damn far...