Sunday 23 August 2009

The inspiration

Long before the time of blogs and on-line diaries, I used to write by hand: a diary, some notes, childish poems, texts etc... Back then I used to read and re-read my writings all the time. This gave me a sense of thread, a sense of a direction. My diaries looked like series in formation. Often I started writing when something happened and finished when that thing ended. Then I stopped writing for some time, only to start at a later time, promising myself not to stop writing again, because it is good for me. Back then, my inspiration was my life and the benign details of it.

Blogging is different. Tedious details of your life make no sense on an electronic page, a post is not for splashing your heart in public. Blogging is often for me an exercise in concealing: writing something personal without revealing too much about it. It looks a bit distasteful if I did that, I think.

But recently I am very much consumed in myself, my life and my things. So my inspiration for posts is a bit dried out. I was thinking the other day that perhaps the blogging craze has passed. I have been so sad to see neglected blogs on the net, blogs that lasted a couple of years and are still there now, like relics, frozen in time somewhere in cyberspace. I don't want Lady V to be one of them. I think if I even stop writing, I will delete the blog, I don't want it to stay there, out of time, for the world to see.

But worry not, devoted reader, I am not stopping right now. It's just that in the general reevaluating times that I am going through, I need to find time for inspiration and reevaluate writing. Sunday mornings, with coffee and music are the best times for blogging, I find, so I'll just start from there.

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