Wednesday 5 November 2008

Yes we can!

I am very emotional today and in a sense I didn't expect that.
The elections are not in my country and I am not black, but Barack Obama's win was, I think, overwhelming.

In times like ours, when Chomsky quotes Thycidides, saying: "The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must", it is amazing to have someone make you believe that you don't have to suffer just because you must. In a country whose first 16 presidents (as a journalist on TV put it yesterday) 'could have owned Obama' (as a slave), for this country to elect him, it's amazing.

People and especially young people do not believe in politics, this is no news. Cynicism is our weapon of choice. Before the war against Iraq started, I had another optimism crisis, mainly because of the demonstrations in London. I was reading about it, I was getting interested, in short I believed that this time, arbitrary power would not stand. But I was wrong.

This time, I feel optimistic again because I believe in this man who smiles so sincerely and says he wants to close Guantanamo. I really hope he does what he promises.

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