Saturday, 19 November 2011

The fear

What is it about fear that makes people so human less?
Normal people, your friends, your colleagues, people you've known for a while, when fear strikes them you cannot recognise them anymore.

Fear can do two things to a man: either paralyse or make them entirely vicious amoral and cruel.

These are difficult times, people have no money, there is crisis everywhere, recession makes it all dark, there is no hope, people's lives might change.

Fear has crept in, everyone is feeling it now, and there's classic each man for himself.

How foolish mankind is. Always the same. Man eat man. And then what is left? After the crisis and the recession are over? After we go back to a so called normality? Where do we go back to, when so called friends have turned against each other?

Fuck it all.
We are born alone.

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