Saturday, 18 June 2011


I have now started twice a different topic for today's post and deleted them both.

I am not sure what I want to say.

The first one was too banal, the second one was too personal.

I never managed to strike the right balance with this blog. I never know if what I write is too personal, and therefore irrelevant to people, or if what I write is too generic and therefore boring. Anonymity gives you some freedom, but what about my friends who read me? They know me, and I am not always sure if I want to write something so personal for them to read.

The other day, I was lying awake in my bed for ever, I couldn't sleep, and so many other times in my life, I had these brilliant ideas for a post, and never got up to writing it. Only thing was, it was about an excellent sexual encounter I once had, one that made me radically rethink certain things about love and sex and so on. Lying in my bed, I imagined the prose in my head, powerful and lyrical, strong and explicit, I imagined the whole thing. But then I couldn't write it, I couldn't bring myself to write it at all.

Can we only be free in absolute anonymity?

But then, I like sharing my thoughts with my friends that live all over the place through this blog so much.

Should I have a second blog, an alias of an alias, so I can write my dirty over-sexualized posts, dishing on exes and providing the world of explicit details of my life? Only, if you don't know who I am, it doesn't count?

I don't know, I haven't decided. Perhaps my need to discuss personal details will pass, or perhaps I will find a way to write my thoughts stripped from the personal but not turning into commonalities that have an effect on noone.

On vera...

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