Friday, 7 January 2011

Important questions?

What is a new year? What does it mean? What does it bring?

It can be one of the same, you can continue doing exactly what you did the previous year and pretend that it's ok.

You can continue doing exactly the same than the previous year, minus a bleep in January, when you pretend that you've changed.

You can try to change - but fail.

Or you can think about it.

I don't mean 'think about it' in a cliché way, we are all so grateful and we need to evaluate our lives etc. You can really just sit and think about it. You can think, what's going on, do I like myself, am I cool, am I nice to other people, am I nice to myself? Do I like my life?

I think this is perhaps the best question one can ask oneself: do I like my life? Is it 'me', this life, does it suit me? Is it what I always wanted to do, is this where I always wanted to be?

Not all our childhood dreams come true, but there is a sense in which we need to be true to ourselves, at least as much as we can be. We need to remember and remind ourselves what we used to like, what we wanted to be like. And when what we are really, really doesn't match that, perhaps we need to consider changing. Not for any other reason but because clichés are true, and we only live once. And before you die, you know, you need to look back and regardless of anything else, you need to be able to say that you were happy. You need to say that you had one chance in this world and you didn't blow it.

And if what I say doesn't persuade you, I suggest you read The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Tolstoy.

Other than that, Happy New Year everyone, and Happy New Decade!

1 comment:

Rita F. said...

Remember that "girl" in All About My Mother that said something along the lines "you are authentic when you get to be what you have always dreamt you would be"?
It's a long, arduous path, I would say. Specially when you cannot dream of anything you'd like to be. That's so f*** up. You can only have New Year wishes when you have some kind of dream for yourself.
Ok. Now I'm depressed.