I am hooked on Lost, have I mentioned that?
D/a and her man got me totally addicted and now I am on four a day (episodes that is). I want to write about this series properly at some point, but now is not the time. Now is the time to just make a minor comment about Jack.
If you know anything at all about the series in question, this is Jack. Jack is this doctor guy, who is very good and heroic. Basically he goes around and saves people. He even tells them so in advance: 'I am going to save you' he said to a poor guy that died half an episode later (which is an unfortunate example, since he often succeeds). In the flashbacks that the series makes, we also see that he has even saved his wife, she was his patient, who he saved and then married. How appropriate, don't you find? Anyway, let me get to the point, instead of digressing cynically.
Men like Jack, a.k.a. the 'hero' types, remind me of another familiar female stereotype: the nurse. Apparently, a lot of women suffer from the 'nurse syndrome', that is women who are always on the lookout for someone to save. The interesting thing about this female version of the 'man-hero' is the way of salvation: a woman nurtures and cares for, while a man simply saves. The female stereotype requires time and commitment, while the male one simply requires heroic behaviour, usually in a flash. I think this is a telling difference between the sexes, a difference that is so self-explanatory that I do not need to expand on it here any longer, I think.
Spoiler addict. I have not seen Lost yet.
Oh I'm sorry, re sy. I will not do that again... :-)
Sahid, Sahid, Sahid. No need for the nurse syndrome with this man... :)
Of course he needs no nurse! He is the best and O have to admit to the world that you have told me all along (but as usual I didn't belive you :))
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