What a strange, yet beautiful, similarity... I didn't come up with this myself, I read it on Wikipedia. Ledger as Joker does have something of Francis Bacon.
It is already a cliché to say that the new Joker is perhaps the best thing of the Dark Night. I agree. I also agree that Bale is great as Batman (and as everything else; as far as I'm concerned, he's a great actor). But perhaps what the new Joker brings, which the brilliant performance of Ledger shows so well, is some kind of locus horrendus which was absent in previous movies, even from Batman Begins. And the aesthetics that follow it have to necessarily agree, hence the greasy, evil, Bacon-like Joker, a great dirty counter-part to the clean, straight black of Batman.
I loved Tim Burton's Batman because of the impressive visuals, which is something that the Dark Night also has mainly because of the Joker, I think.
Sometimes, and excuse the massive platitude, ugly is indeed so beautiful.
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