Some people say they don't like pills, but I don't share this opinion. I love pills. The more the merrier. Specially the ones that make you doze off and forget who you are. Or the ones that make you unable to pay attention to what people tell you because everything around you just floats and you can't be bothered.
A Portuguese poet wrote about the pain of thinking once. This is the worst pain of them all. Pills can make you forget your thoughts and that can be a bliss. Oscar Wilde wrote that mankind's worst crimes happened in the brain, which goes to show how dangerous your brain can be if you let it run free.
The pain of thinking is a bitch. I wish I knew how to turn it off and numb down for a while. Alternatively, I could also get into drugs.
There's a red pill and there's a blue pill.
"The pain of thinking is the worst pain of them all." I agree, it is tiring and overwhelming. I turn off by watching bad (really bad) TV (as I've written to another post), it is so dumb, it's mind-numbing. But sometimes that doesn't work either. In that case, I say, embrace the pain (praise the lord!). Don't fight it. As you've once told me Youkali, the best pieces of art were conceived by artists in pain. Art away then.
And remember I love you.
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