Remember I said I will not get personal in the blog? Well, scrap that (again).
I just wanted to write I am tired. I am very tired the whole week and now it is almost over so I am happy.
I have applied to two more jobs and I have been teaching like crazy and now all I want to do is go home and watch TV.
Speaking of which....
They have this awsome new thing in the UK called 'no brainer TV'... How acurate. It includes gems like relity shows where older and younger women compete with each other to get a guy and stuff like that... How sick is that? But then again I am so over it these days, my guilt of watching shit TV that is. I used to feel that my intellect would be compromised if people knew I watch X factor and America's next top model. But I really don't care anymore. This doesn't define me. Or it does but only in addition to all the other things I do. So I am not feeling bad about it anymore. There was this piece in a newspaper, I don't remember which one now, where intellectual people would tell of their 'guilty pleasures'. People said stuff like picking their noses and going around the house naked when they people can see them and eating chocolate. One said watching America's next top model. That made me so happy! I felt that suddenly that all this watching stupid TV totally deflated in my mind. My only problem is when I try to explain to myself what I like in these shows. Because the cannibalism of peoples' dreams is trully awful. I almost don't approve of anything these shows stand for actually, but I still like them...
Maybe it truly is this 'no brainer' thing... Who cares?
Sorry, I have to go, it starts in a while.
My feelings exactly! I don't even call my guilty pleasures 'guilty' anymore - so I check sky showbiz all the time and find satisfaction in knowing which celebrity looks ugly without make up. So what? I don't think I'm less intelligent because of that. I'm more intelligent if anything because, as David Brent put it once, I'm the kind of person who can discuss things from all walks of life.
And that's that.
I strongly believe that all your (T.V.)sins are forgiven since you are a big fan of Dr Gregory House...
D/a that was cool! I too think that House redeems me :)
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