It's funny how things have changed: when I was growing up, if people wanted visibility they had to be part of the system, they had to be journalists working in a newspaper or making records as part of a label. If you believed in yourself, there were not many ways to be self-promoted. But now it's all different. And I am not talking about me of course, who started my blog less than a month ago and I am read by very few friends. Look at people whose blogs get sited by newspapers and girls whose postings of themselves singing covers are getting millions of hits on youtube. Now, that's what I call democracy, that is true power to the people. You are a nobody with an opinion, a talent, a laptop and a camera and a whole new range of options is openned in front of you. Because you had the confidence to say, here I am do you like me? And people did. And then you become a star.
I can't wait.
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