I like to think that I avoid too personal posts, but then again isn't everything we write personal? And who knows me out here on the wild wild web anyway?
But I just feel the need to write it today: my grandma died this afternoon. She was 93, and had a happy life. I never really really loved here, but today I cry. I cry because my father is upset and because she suffered when she died. I cry because we saw her over Christmas and she looked so so old.
Apparently, she had everything ready for her funeral, in the chest at home she had her clothes ready, and everything she wanted us to put with her. We had never opened the chest until now and today I asked my mother what was in there. She had a little dress she wanted to wear; my grandfathers two sets of glasses, and her wedding crowns.
That's a blessing - choosing what to take with you in the other life, no?
She didn't come to my wedding this summer and she got so upset. In Christmas we gave her a picture of our wedding day, and she said "my children, you look grown up".
People say funny things, in poignant moments. Movies want us to believe that people actually manage to rise up to life's big occasions, but in end, sometimes, people just say funny things.
Cheers to the dead, then, today. To my grandmother and my cousins, wherever they are, if they are anywhere anyway.