Thursday, 24 January 2013

The Forest (instead of something else)

Today I woke up and I realised that I've missed listening to the Cure - random or what? And not Friday I'm in love and other overplayed pop anthems, but the moody, atmospheric dark gem that is A Forest.

When I was young, I think I was listening to the Cure when I was 16 - 17, I used to dream that I would make a video for that song, with the camera close to my face and me trying to go through a crazy rain forest (and not managing).

Anyway, I wanted to write about the linguistic brilliance of Lance Armstrong's "confession" to Oprah (truly an exercise in indirectness, I need to give it to my students), but that will have to wait. It was definitely much easier to reminisce about the Cure this morning: I'm lost in a forest, all alone... 

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Lucky 2013

No end-of-year posts. No best-of lists. No favourite movies, or books, or music. I tried to think, but I couldn't even think of something I really liked this year. Sad or what?

Now that I think of it, I did like Coriolanus by Ralph Fiennes, but I can't remember to write anything about it. And I liked Cararcho with my new favourite Ricardo Darin. And I liked Rust and Bone, with the gorgeous Marion Cotillard.

But of course this is not what posts are about, posts are not lists with links to youtube clips. I read my old posts and they have something to say (hopefully; sometimes) lists don't.

I don't know why I have grown out of it, writing posts that is. Perhaps I am busy, perhaps I don't have a lot of time to indulge on useless blogging anymore. I waste my time on Twitter and Instagram instead.

The biggest problem though is that I am not too inspired anymore. I don't have any interesting thoughts about things, or if I do (when I am lying on my bed at night, finally thinking of something) I can't be bothered to get up and write it. I am severely worried about my lack of quiet time, where I am not glued on my iPhone, browsing something utterly useless on the internet. I want to stop it, I don't want to be that person, but I just can't get around to it.

I don't know what 2013 will bring to me. I have no New Year resolutions. I would like to be more frugal, more stoic, less consumed by things and useless internet surfing. I would like to be this thoughtful, clever person that writes interesting posts, not the person that takes narcissistic pictures of herself and posts them in Instagram (that might sell my pictures without asking for permission...).

Can I be that person? Have been trying for a while, but definitely haven't managed yet.

But here's to another year; here's to another try.